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Q: Who has the fastest heart rate boys' or girls'?
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Related questions

Does exercise affect the heart rate of boys and girls the same?

yes boy and girls heat rate is the same

If 153 heart rate girl or boy?

Both boys and girls can have a heart rate of 153.. it just depends on what activity they are doing.

Is a young boys heart rate run different than a young girls?


Why girls get higher heart beat than boys?

Because of high metabolic rate.

The resting heart rate is fastest in adult life?

is the resting heart rate is fastest in adult life

Does boys heart rate beats faster than girls?

Well, girls hearts are smaller than boys but both gender's of hearts beat at the same pace.

Procedures for heart rate of boys and girls?

Is that measuring heart rate? If so it is the same way for both boys and girls. There are different methods but the easiest way is to find the pulse under your neck (near your ears) and put medium pressure on it. count the number of beats in ten seconds and times that number by 6, that is your heart rate per minute.

Whose heart beats faster girls or boys?

Most people believe that a woman's heart beat is faster but really it all depends on your size. The bigger the person the lower the heart rate and the smaller the person the faster the heart beat.

Do boys or girls have a higher average heart rate after exercising?

"Stronger" heart rates generally denotes a slower heartbeat. As a whole I believe men do as they're more physically adept (on average). Obviously this cannot apply to individuals or even different races (it is known that people of African descent generally have more heart problems, not to be racist).

Is it bad to have the fastest heart rate for kids?


Who has the fastest heart rate children or adults?


What is the boys rate you scale for the girls?
