Amelia Earhart's best friend was Eleanor Roosevelt, a former first lady of the United States of America.
wen Amy Earhart Amelia's mom graduated from college a friend told her about Edwin Earhart Amelia's dad
It was licence #4.
Amelia Earhart died on 5 January 1939.
Being a woman pilot was an obstacle.
July 24, 1897
her sister
Amelia Earhart's best friend was Eleanor Roosevelt, a former first lady of the United States of America.
She once pulled a friend from a crashed airplane.
wen Amy Earhart Amelia's mom graduated from college a friend told her about Edwin Earhart Amelia's dad
Amelia had no brother.
Amelia did not have a brother.
they never found amelia earharts plane but the goverment is planning a search for her in 2013
Amelia was smart, practical and determined.
Amelia Mary Earhart
Amelia's young sister was Muriel.
Amelia Earhart aviotion pioneer