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This is such a hard question to answer since it depends whether your view is formed by your religion or by scientific reasoning. There is obviously a place for both schools of thought since we are here and nobody knows how it all started. You either believe that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old or that it was made in 7 days 4004 years before Christ. I am not being flippant or disrespectful to other people's beliefs but my view is that if you look at a fetus growing in the womb of a human mother during the first 4 weeks after conception you see evolution in miniature. The heart for example goes through 4 stages of evolution. It starts a fish heart and the fetus grows gill slits. The heart changes to an amphibian one, the heart changes again to an avian heart, and finally to a mammalian heart.The gill slits disappear and lungs develop,the bones of our ears are modified gill bones. Can you see that your question is very difficult ,is a chimpanzee an early human?,is an Orang Utan a prototype human? Are the great apes vegetarian men who haven't learned to speak or write?Basically modern humans evolved abot 3 Million years ago in Tanzania,Africa. See 'Lucy' a fossilised skeleton of Australopithicus Afarensis. We were all black skinned at one time and the human population of today can be traced back to 7 fertile women. see the' 7 daughters of Eve'. 65,000 years ago Man left Africa and moved up the coast of East Africa whereupon some moved up through Turkey to be the ancestors of all Europeans, some went East to India and China, some made boats and sailed to Australia to become the first Aborigines.This is a fascinating subject made clearer every day by analysis of the genetic code within every cell in our body. I hope you do some more research.

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