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The Federalists are responsible for the Sedition Act of 1798. The Federalists were first American political party. It was founded by Alexander Hamilton.

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Q: Who wrote the Sedition Act of 1798?
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What was the purpose of the Sedition Act of 1798?

to stop people from criticizing the government

What 1798 law allowed the President to deport foreigners?

The Alien and Sedition Act.

How did thomas Jefferson view the sedition act of 1798?

He believed it was unconstitutional and was against it.

How did Jefferson and Madison respond to the alien and sedition acts?

John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law in 1798. He signed The Naturalization Act (passed on June 18), The Alien Act (passed on June 24), The Alien Enemies Act (passed on July 6) and The Sedition Act (passed on June 14).

What sedition act punished people who openly criticized the government when thomas Jefferson took office?

Jefferson was against this act, passed in 1798. He campaigned against and won the election of 1800. The act was allowed to expire. He was the vice-president in 1798 and did not punish anybody.

Where did John Adams sign the alien and sedition act?

John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts in the United States. Specifically, he signed them in Washington, D.C., the capital at the time.

Which law gave the president the right to imprison or deport citizens of other states?

The alien act of 1798 gave the president the power to deport dangerous aliens.

What group was the target of the alien and sedition acts of 1798?

The Alien and Sedition Act targeted aliens, or immigrants who were not yet citizens of the United States.

When were the alien and sedition acts started?

in 1798

What year were the alien and sedition acts passed?

The Sedition Act was passed on May 16th, 1918 and signed into law by President Wilson on May 21st, 1918

In what year were the alien and sedition acts passed?