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Islam is a complete code of life. Basically, it can't be, and, should not be divided into Progressives or non-progressives. A Muslim must have faith in Complete Islam as complete code of conduct, not in parts.

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The Progressive Left refers to people like Reza Aslan, CJ Werleman, Cenk Uygur, and individuals who think similarly on this issue as opposed to New Atheists like Sam Harris and Bill Maher, who are on the left on most major issues, but dissent on the question that Islamist Terrorism is related to Islam as a religion. The Progressive Left is plagued by three sets of parallel issues which lead to this conclusion.

(1) Imperialism Repetition: The first issue is that one of the key aspects of Imperialism historically was the subversion of ideologies and identities of Non-Europeans to European ideologies and identity schema. As a result, they are very hesitant to do something that remotely looks like the assertion that Western values are superior to Non-Western values (no matter what those values are) because it looks too similar to imperialism.

(2) Implicit Discrimination of People: The second issue is that many on the Left see a discussion of Islam, Islamism (the political ideology of making Islamic Law part of the governing apparatus), and Jihadism (the violent implementation of Islamism) to be a discussion that is actually about Muslims as people as opposed to religious and political ideologies, but is couched in language to make it appear neutral when it is truly one of discrimination. They see it as a parallel to how people would talk about crime coming from "poor communities" as a way to speak in a racist manner about Blacks without using that particular language.

(3) Opposition to Pure Capitalism: The Progressive Left sees any political ideology that opposes Capitalism to be the "enemy of my enemy" and do not do the calculus to realize that unbridled capitalism is the lesser of two evils where Islamism is concerned since Islamism is completely nonplussed by questions of socialism. In fact, most Islamists advocate some sort of socialism, which the Progressive Left supports.

Of course, all three are easily refuted. (1) Human Rights is an internationally developed concept recognized by people all over the world and which has consistently conferred benefits to all peoples that have embraced it. This is different from imperialism where European values were imposed on Non-Europeans purely as an accident of history. (If the Africans had conquered Europe, it would have been African values over European ones instead of the reverse.) The respectability and superiority of Human Rights are demonstrable. (2) You have parallel discussions condemning Anti-Muslim Bigotry at the same time that you have discussions about exactly how Islam, Islamism, and Jihadism create problems, especially for Muslims, showing a clear dichotomy. Care for people is why the Islamists are to be opposed. (3) You show how capitalism at least respects the concept of Human Rights as understood by the Left while Islamists do not and that Human Rights is much more important to a democracy than economic equality.

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Q: Why are Progressives unable to attribute some of the cause of Islamist Terrorism to Islam as a religion?
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There is no what so called Islamic terrorism. Terrorism is something related to person but never related to Islam religion or any other religion. No religion, what so ever calls for terrorism. Attaching terrorism to Islam religion is a media propaganda and fabrication to allow politician to enforce their own political Agendas in Islamic countries and to try to limit the spread and inherent power of Islam. Refer to related questions below for more information.

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"Islamophobia" is a nebulous term since nobody takes the time to give it a coherent definition. What seems best as a definition would be "hatred of Muslims (anti-Muslim), hatred of the ideology of the Islamic religion (anti-Islamic), and hatred of Islamic political policy (anti-Islamist)." Terrorism committed by people claiming to be Muslims is certainly responsible for part of the rise in anti-Muslim, anti-Islamic, and anti-Islamist sentiment. For some reason, though, the frequent terrorism perpetrated by people claiming to be Christians (such as the murder of abortion doctors, beating and attacking of homosexuals both actual and suspected, etc.) does not seem to engender anti-Christian sentiment even though it is more common in places like the United States than terror from Muslims.

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There is nothing such as Islamic Terrorism, just there is nothing such as Christian Terrorism.Terrorism has no religion at all.

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Religion doesn't promote terrorism as a general rule. It is the misuse and twisting of religion by fanatics and radicals that provokes terrorism. When this happens, religion becomes a sort of umbrella under which some people can feel justified in committing atrocities against others. This is not the fault of religion; it is the fault of the human mind.It's the same thing as guns. Guns aren't evil and don't do violence. It's the person using the gun that causes the problem.

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