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Because sexual orientation is not a factor when choosing an architect.

Because sexual orientation is not a factor.

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Because sexual orientation is not a factor when choosing an architect.

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9y ago

Because sexual orientation is not a factor.

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Q: Why choose a male architect who is thought to be gay to put up a shelter?
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Paws Animal Shelter?

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A male dinosaur is called a bull I thought it was a buck

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i always thought he was male... i could be wrong but he does seem masculine.

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If its a dwarf hamster, you can choose if you want the male to stay. If its a syrian hamster you can give the male away.

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What is the code to get a male trainer in Pokemon diamond?

its not created yet That code has not been created yet. However, you can choose to be male at the beginning.

How do females pick the males in sexual selection?

it doesnt matter if you are a female and you want a female mate you can have a girlfriend when your a girl. if you want a male and you are a female then you can choose a male it doesnt matter if you are a female and you want a female mate you can have a girlfriend when your a girl. if you want a male and you are a female then you can choose a male