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Q: Why did Madison support the Republican Government?
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Where do the rights of property originate according to James Madison?

In the republican government

What was James Madison idea for best type of government?

well, James Madison was a republican who wanted the government to be run by the middle class citizens of the U.S.

Who stated that in republican government the legislative authority necessarily predominates?

james madison

In republican government which branch necessarily predominates according to James Madison?

The Legislative Branch

What did the Congress ask states to do during the Revolutionary War?

Create a new system of republican government

How does Madison propose to control factions?

Madison's solution for controlling the effects of factions was the establishment of a republican government. He argued that the powers wielded by the factions be constitutionally limited.

As a strong Republican James Madison believed in what type of national government?

James Madison believed in a strong central government. One of the branches of this government was the legislative branch, which he believed should be set up by the Virginia Plan that he drafted for the constitutional convention.

Which political party did James Madison participate in founding in the 1790s?

He was a Democratic-republican. Jefferson and Madison created the Democratic Republican Party to oppose the Federalist Party.

Partisan issues what is the difference between federalist party and republican party?

Federalists wanted a strong government, taxes to support the government, and liked banks. Republican party were for the farmers who did not want a strong government or lots of taxes.

Did James Madison support the National Gazette newspaper?

Yes, James Madison supported the National Gazette newspaper, which was a Democratic-Republican publication that promoted the politics of Thomas Jefferson. Madison saw the newspaper as a useful tool to counter Federalist ideas in the press.

What were the early political parties?

The first U.S. political party was the Federalist Party founded by Alexander Hamilton. It believed in a strong central government, a sound financial structure and support of business. The second party formed was Democratic-Republican Party, usually called the Republican Party. It was formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to oppose the Federalist Party's support for a strong central government believing distributed government (state's rights) was safer from the totalitarian tendencies of a central government.

What did the war of 1812 convince older republicans to support?

There wasn't a Republican party in 1812. The Republican party did not start until 1860.