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Gases naturally mix with each other when combined due to entropy.

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Q: Why do gases naturally mix with each other when combined?
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2 or more combined substance that do not react?

Noble gases do not react with each other like Xenon and Helium will not react

Are gases always soluble in each other?

Generally gases are miscible in each other; sometimes chemical reactions occur.

Do two non metal elements on the periodic table react to each other?

Yes. Although the nobel gases hardly ever react with each other ore any other elements, Hydrogen and Oxygen combined to make water (H2O) and I am shore there are other combinations.

Why do gases naturally mix with each to other when combined?

Well, liquids do not because they have strong intermolecular attractions. The question for liquids becomes do the molecules attract molecules of the same compound more strongly than they attract molecules of a different compound. If yes the two liquids will not dissolve each other. Now gases do not have this problem. Ideal gas assumptions involve NO attractions for other molecules. If there are no attractions then they can mix with any gas molecules.

Is the combination of sulfur and oxygen a mixture or compound?

The combination is a compound. These elements will react to form Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) upon contact between these two gases. Both gases react quite well with other elements, so they naturally react well with each other and form a compound.

What happens when you release gases into the air?

Gases mix together when they contact each other. There are no immiscible gases like there are immiscible fluids.

What is the cause of viscosity in liquids and gases?

Viscosity in gases is due to the exchange of momentum by gases with each other. It is also due to diffusion

Do molecules contain atoms that are not combined with each other?

No, by definition.

What is the name fr elements that do not react to each other?

nobel gases

Why is gas in gas a mixture?

It is so because the gases are not chemically bonded to each other and are present in any proportion to each other.

How does fluorine and cesium produce heat when they are combined with each other?

This is an exothermic reaction.

Which is not assumed by the kinetic molecular theory for gases?

The particles are attracted to each other