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It is an excellent historical political cartoon. Also, its message of unity still applies to society today.

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Q: Why do we still use Ben Franklin's Cartoon about colonial unity?
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What is the date of Benjamin Franklin's ''join or die'' political cartoon?

The French and Indian war prompted Benjamin Franklin to use a political cartoon to stress the need for Colonial unity .

Who created the cartoon Join or Die?

"Join, or Die" is a well-known political cartoon, created by Benjamin Franklin and first published in his Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754. The cartoon was made to show the importance of colonial unity.

What message was Ben Franklin's cartoon delivering to the delegates at the Albany Congress?

The "Join, or Die" (a segmented snake) political cartoon was a message to the colonies reinforcing his belief that colonial unity had the best chances of success .

How does franklins cartoon relate to the events in 1754?

Franklin's cartoon, "Join, or Die," which depicted a segmented snake, was a call to unity among the American colonies during the French and Indian War. It was a response to the Albany Plan of Union, which sought to unite the colonies for mutual defense. The cartoon symbolized the importance of unity in the face of external threats and was used to rally support for the Albany Plan and later, the American Revolution.

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Unity Web Player

What danger prompted Franklin to publish the cartoon?

Depending on what cartoon your talking about... Join, or Die published in the Pennsylvania Gazette was a way to unite the colonies at the Albany Congress which was imposed by Britain to keep the Iroquois Indians on their side at the time. It was a major stepping stone for colonial unity, although few colonies attended.

What did colonial unity and military readiness in these early battle lay the groundwork for?

wha did colonial unity and military readiness in these early battles lay the groundwork for?

Who was an advocate of colonial unity at the unsuccessful Albany congress?

Benjamin Franklin

Advocate of colonial unity at the unsuccessful Albany congress?

Benjamin Franklin

What is something that starts with U and has some thing to do with Colonial America?


What effect did colonial unity have on the America of thinking?

go f**** your self