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Central Scotland hit by a trio of earthquakes

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Published Date: 21 June 2003


THREE earthquakes, the strongest measuring three on the Richter scale, were felt in central Scotland yesterday.

The British Geological Survey in Edinburgh said a number of people had contacted them in the Aberfoyle area to report what they said felt like thunder or their house shaking.

The first earthquake was recorded at 6:44am, measuring three on the Richter Scale. Two aftershocks followed at 6:53am and 9:03am, measuring 2.7 and 2.5 respectively. They were centred in an area 3km north of Aberfoyle at a depth of 4km.

The UK experiences between 200 and 300 earthquakes every year, of which only one in ten are felt.

David Galloway, who monitors recordings at BGS, said the tremors were in a hotspot area.

He added: "The three most common descriptions were that the whole house shook, or it felt like a lorry crashing into the side of the house, or they thought it was thunder."

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