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Because that's when the first tools were used. It was the start of all technological development... and they played with rocks

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Q: Why was the Stone Age important?
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What is important about the stone age?

The Stone Age was a crucial period in human history because it marked the development of stone tools and the emergence of early human societies. This era laid the foundation for future technological advancements and social interactions, shaping the way humans lived and interacted with their environment.

What was the most important resource in the stone age?


What was the most important discovery of the new stone age?

One of the most important discoveries of the Neolithic (New Stone Age) period was agriculture. This shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities allowed for the development of permanent settlements, surplus food production, and the subsequent growth of complex societies. Additionally, the domestication of plants and animals during this time laid the foundation for the development of civilization.

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What was the most important invention in the stone age?

One of the most important inventions in the Stone Age was the development of stone tools. They revolutionized hunting, cooking, and other daily activities, allowing early humans to thrive and adapt to their environment. Another significant invention was the control of fire, which provided warmth, protection, and the ability to cook food.

Why was catal huyuk an important aspect of the new stone age?

i think it was because it was around 6000BCE which was the time where the stone age ended.

What was the important invention of the old stone age period?


What important happened in the new stone age?

Agriculture.Because in the old stone age people only hunt for food.In this particular age people can plant and harvest food

What were some feast of engineering in the stone age?

The most important devices of the Stone Age were the stone tools used for hunting and gathering. These rather simple tools served an important purpose for early peoples. Another extremely important innovation of the Neolithic era (an era within the Stone Age) was irrigation. This led to settlement and expansion of of cultures, and contributed to the develoment of cultivated cities.

What do you think was the most important development made during the stone age?


What are some questions about the stone age?

What tools and materials were used by people during the Stone Age? How did early humans in the Stone Age hunt for food and survive in their environments? What evidence do archaeologists use to understand the daily lives and societal structures of Stone Age people?