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Q: Where is the temperature sending unit on a 1995 Pontiac transport?
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located on left side of water pump

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Oil pressure sending unit Where is it at on the engine

Where is second fusebox on a 1995 Pontiac transport?

Under dash

Where is the heater blower motor in a 1995 Pontiac transport?

The heater blower motor in a 1995 Pontiac Transport is located on the passenger side of the engine compartment. It is on the firewall near the hood hinge.

Where is the 1995 Pontiac transport AC relay?

The 1995 Pontiac Transport air conditioning relay switch can be found in the fuse box. The air conditioning relay switch will be at the top of the third column.

How do you change a tire on a 1995 Pontiac transport minivan?

Call Hubby.....

Where is oil pressure sender for 1995 Pontiac transport?

Oil pressure sender /fuel pump switch for 1995 Pontiac transport 3.1 is located between oil filter and starter at front of engine.

Where can you find a wiring diagram for a 1995 Pontiac transport?

on this site you should find one --->

Where do you find the Temperature sending unit on a 1995 ford escort?

The temperature sending unit on the 1995 Escort is on top of the engine. It is mounted at the thermostat housing, where the top radiator hose comes in.

Where is the temperature sending unit located on a 1995 Pontiac grand prix se with the 3100 engine?

in back of head firewall side close to crossover pipe fo exahst. it has a green wire

How do you replace the ignition switch on a 1995 Pontiac Transport?

By taking it to a GM certified auto technician.

Where is the oil sending unit on a Pontiac 3.8 1995 Trans Sport?

on top of oil filter housing