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sound vibrate the eardrum a lightly streched membrane that is the entrance to the middle ear

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Q: How does sound travel from a source into your ear?
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Why can light travel through outer space but sound cannot?

Sound requires something to vibrate in order to make itself heard. Space is a vacuum, which has no air, water, earth, etc. So there is nothing there to vibrate to make the sound carry from the source of the sound to the listener's ear. Light requires no such medium in order to get from point a to point b.

Is there sound in outer space?

No. Sound is a waveform made by the compression and expansion of something called a 'medium'. Usually the medium is air. Sound is caused by vibrations passing through the air. The vibrations cause the air to expand and compress in waves from the source of the sound until it hits our eardrums and transmits the vibrations to the drum, into the ear and to the brain where we recognise it as something we call 'sound'. Of course, sound can travel through other media including water (as in echo sounding) or even in solids (try placing your ear to the end of a broomstick held on a vibrating engine - the sound is really amplified as it passes through the stick). In the vacuum of space, however, there is no air or any other medium, and therefore sound cannot travel. Light can travel through space because light is a waveform that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum (which includes radio waves, microwaves and x rays) and electromagnetic waves do not need a medium in which to travel. The absence of sound in space is often forgotten in cheap science fiction movies where an alien spaceship is exploded and you hear the loud bang. In real life this would never happen. The best depiction of space and the absence of sound in it is in Arthur C Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick. Although it is one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time, it was criticised because of periods of silence during the 'space' scenes - but of course this was a factually accurate depiction as opposed to the cheap sci-fi 'B' movies where enemy ships explode in a flash of light and a huge bang.There is no sound in outer space. Sound actually travels as pressure waves through air, and since air does not exist in outer space, there is no sound.

Can an explosion be heard on the surface of the moon?

Sound can travel in the solid rocks of the moon but sound can not travel on the surface of the moon because there is no air for the sound to travel in.

How far can sound travel in space between astonauts?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through to propagate from point A to point B. In space there is no such medium, so sound does not travel in space.

Why did astronauts who did experminets on the moon communicate with each other using walkie talkies even when they were right next to one another?

Sound needs to travel in medium like air, but there is no air in outer space, so sound is unable to travel. So basically sound needs air to travel, if there is no air sound cannot travel, when sound is unable to travel you cannot communicate (talk, speak, etc)

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What dose the ear canal do?

helps travel sound into your ear

How does sound get from its source to you?

Waves carry sound energy from the bell to the ear.

How do sound waves travel from the harmonica to your ear?

They don't

How does sound travel through the air to someone?

the sound waves reach the ear.

How does sound travel in the air for us to hear?

The sound waves travel by vibrations, which are then percieved by the canals deep in your ear

What part of the ear changes the sound waves that travel down your ear into vibrations?

the middle ear

Why does sound travel through the air?

Sounds vibrate the air molecules, when the vibrating molecules reach your ear, you ear the sound, there are no molecules in space, thus no sound in space

How does sound travel to your ear?

sound is actually vibrations. your eardrum is highly sensitive, like ripples on water, it picks up these vibrations

Why do you hear the sound with your right ear before your left ear?

The ear closest to the sound source hears it first. IF you always hear it "first" on your right, then you should have your hearing checked.

Does sound travel in all directions from the source?

Yes. But it can be focused so that more of it goes in the direction you want it to go. We do that with our mouth, our external ear, speakers, horns, etc.

How quickly a sound reaches your ear depends on?

It depends on the distance it has to travel.

How does sound travel through the air?

it travels because there are sound waves in the air and they vibrate in your ear.