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If the Sun and the Moon are in the daytime sky together, then the moon has to be in a crescent or quarter phase. For this to occure, Moon has to be more or less between Sun and Earth. In that instance we can only see relatively small portion of its lit surface and most of it is unlit.

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Q: If the sun and moon are in the day time sky. How can the moon have a partial reflection?
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Is the moon in the sky during the day or is it a reflection off the moon of the ocean?

It really IS the moon.

Why can the moon be seen day and night?

Because the suns reflection is hitting it and it is bright enough to see.

Why there a moon in a day time?

there is a moon in day time becuse it is summer from Angel

Why do you see the moon not fully round in the day sky?

Because the Earth is obscuring part of the moon's disc from the sun - creating a partial shadow.

What do you call the moon in the day time?

The Moon

Does the moon have daytime and nighttime?

Yes, it can be argued that Moon has a day time and night time. Day time is when the moon is shining bright above the sky, night time is when the moon is dark. Hence the term "Dark Side of the Moon".

How do you see the moon during day?

The moon is always in the sky, the reason we can see it at any time is because it reflects the brightness of the sun. During the night the earth revolves so that the sun is on the opposite side of the earth. During the day the sun shines so much brighter than the moon's reflection so we ultimately see the sun first.

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because it's reflection is way too bright for the other stars to be visible.

Can you see the moon and stars at day time?

You can see the moon sometimes

The moon shine at night where does the light comes from?

The shining of the moon at night is the reflection of the sun bouncing off the surface of the moon. That is why we on Earth can see the moon appear as shining. For me: At day time when the sun heats the moon, the moon become hot by the energy absorbed and for anything that is hot it radiates light to some extent somehow our eyes can only receive light for wave length about 400 nm to 700 nm, and that light radiated from moon has low intensity from light radiated from the sun, we cannot see moon light at day time. At night, we can easily see the moon light since no longer exist light from the sun. Therefor, anything when it is being heated, it radiates light eventually. And for this, certainly, we can store the sun light at day time and use it at the night time, don't you think so?

What time of day does a full moon rise?

A full moon rises at sunset.

What time of day does a new moon rise?

The New Moon rises with the sun.