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they're ice

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Q: If water instantly vaporizes in space why do comets last for so long?
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Does water boil in outer space?

no it vaporizes

Do comets have water on it?

maybe ask the people in space

How can comets be made of ice if there is no water in outer space?

Because there is "loads" of water in space - just widely distributed.

What common space debris was credited with the formation of water on planet earth?

It is comets.

What are celestial comets?

Celestial comets is a more formal name for comets. Comets are objects in space orbiting the Sun with long orbits. They are thought to be made of frozen water. As they near the Sun they produce a long glowing tail trailing behind.

What makes water melt faster?

Water doesn't melt, it vaporizes and becomes a gas. The energy from heat melts or vaporizes all matter.

Where does boiling water go?

It vaporizes into the air.

Where is there water on comets?

no according to justin bieber there is no water in comets

When water vaporizes the molecules does what?

Becomes a gas (i.e. water vapor)

Why does water instantly freeze?

Water does not freeze instantly..

Do comets have water?

i dont no do they

How do comets catch fire?

Comets do not catch fire at all, since comets are generally regarded as "dirty snowballs" in space. Their light is caused by the interaction of water vapour and dust particles with the solar wind and no combustion is taking place.