

Best Answer

Yes it is true.

Period of the moon's revolution around

the Earth (and rotation on its own axis). . . . 27.32 days

Period of the cycle of the moon's phases . . . 29.53 days

Difference . . . . . 2.21 days (phases longer)

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2mo ago

Yes, the cycle of the Moon's phases (from new Moon to new Moon) is about 29.5 days, which is slightly longer than the Moon's orbital period around Earth, which is about 27.3 days. This difference is because Earth is also moving in its orbit around the Sun while the Moon is orbiting Earth.

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Q: Is it true the cycle of tbe phases takes about two days longer than the moon revolution around earth?
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If the revolution of the moon around Earth slowed down how long would the length of one cycle of the moon's phases most likely be?

If the revolution of the moon around Earth slowed down, the length of one cycle of the moon's phases would most likely increase. This is because the time it takes for the moon's phases to complete a cycle is directly related to its orbital period around Earth. A slower revolution would result in a longer period for the phases to cycle through.

Why is there discrepancy in the Moon's complete phases and the Moon's revolution around the earth?

The discrepancy exists because the Moon's phases are dependent on its relative position to the Sun and Earth, leading to the cycle of changing lunar phases throughout its orbit. As the Moon orbits the Earth, its position relative to the Sun also changes, causing variations in how much of the illuminated side is visible from Earth. This discrepancy creates the pattern of lunar phases that we observe.

Why does the moon reapeat phases every 29.5 days when even though it orbits Earth every 27.3 days?

The moon's phases repeat every 29.5 days because it takes that long for the moon to complete a full cycle of phases, from new moon to new moon. The 27.3 days is the amount of time it takes for the moon to orbit Earth, but the change in position relative to the sun causes the phases to take slightly longer.

What is the length of the moon phases cycle?

Ah, fantastic question! The moon phases cycle, from one new moon to the next new moon, lasts about 29.5 days. This magical cycle guides many natural rhythms on our planet, and always reminds us of the beauty and synchronicity in nature's dance.

What is called when changing shapes of the moon?

That is the lunar cycle, or the phases.

Related questions

Is it true the cycle of tbe phases takes about two days longer than the moon revolution around earth false?

Yes, it's true. The difference is 2.21 days.

If the revolution of the moon around Earth slowed down how long would the length of one cycle of the moon's phases most likely be?

If the revolution of the moon around Earth slowed down, the length of one cycle of the moon's phases would most likely increase. This is because the time it takes for the moon's phases to complete a cycle is directly related to its orbital period around Earth. A slower revolution would result in a longer period for the phases to cycle through.

Why moon phases continue?

Phases of the moon are caused by the revolution of the moon around the Earth and the revolution of the Earth around the sun. As long as the moon revolves around the Earth as it does, the lunar cycle from full to new to full again will take about 29½ days. We will be having about twelve and a third moon cycles every year until these facts change.

What was the cycle of revolution?

The cycle of revolution typically involves phases such as discontent, protest, uprising, conflict with authorities, and potential change in government or societal structure. This cycle can repeat as new issues arise or if underlying grievances are not addressed.

How many earth days does it take for the moon to travel around earth?

The moon makes one complete orbital revolution of the earth in 27.32 days, and displays a complete cycle of phases every 29.53 days.

Is the number of days in one complete moon phase cycle the same as the number of days in one revolution?

No. The moon revolves around theEarth (and also rotates on its own axis) in 27.32 days, but a complete cycle of "phases" runs 29.53 days.

How many weeks does it take the moon to travel around the earth?

The moon makes one complete orbital revolution of the earth in 27.32 days, and displays a complete cycle of phases every 29.53 days.

If you lived on Mars would Earth exhibit a full cycle of phases?

No, because the Earth does not orbit around Mars. The Moon only has phases because it orbits around Earth.

Period of revolution of moon is 27.32days but full moon occurs once in 30days?

That's right. The phases repeat on a cycle of 29.53 days.

What is two main phases of the cell cycle?

The two main phases of a cell cycle are interphase and mitosis.

Why is the moon's lunar cycle longer than it takes the moon to complete one revolution?

its the way the earth is

What is the difference between the project and appraisal?

The project life cycle differs by industry, organization, project type and encompasses sequential and overlapping phases. The product life cycle does not differ regardless of the type of product, has sequential but non-overlapping phases, and may include multiple project life cycles. Usually the project life cycle is wanted to be shorter but product life cycle longer.