

Is moon rock magnetic

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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Moon rocks are very similar to earth rocks an they are not intrinsically magnetic.

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Q: Is moon rock magnetic
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The moon does not have a magnetic field, so a compass would not point in any particular direction, unless it was being used close to a rock or minieral that was naturally magnetic. According to, the moon may have had a magnetic field at some time in the distant past, but no longer. For more info, try Since the Moon has nearly no magnetic field, it wouldn't be much good at all.

A rock that has magnetic properties is?

Lodestone is a rock that has magnetic properties.

How is the orientation of Earth's magnetism recorded in rocks on the ocean floor?

Earths magnetic orientation is locked into the rock when the rock cools

Does the moon have a magnetic pole?

The Moon has a solid core, and therefore has no magnetic field or poles.

What is the magnetic strength of moon?

The moon does not have a dipolar magnetic field and its external magnetic field is quite weak when compared to that of the Earth.

What is a magnetic rock called?

Magnetic Earth rocks are those that contain magnetite.

If magnetic compass does not work on moon Why electric motor work on moon?

No because the Moon does not have a magnetic field like the Earth does. The Earth's magnetic field appears to be created by a liquid metalic out core circulating around a solid core. This works like a dynamo which creates the magnetic field around the Earth. The Moon lacks a similar core stucture. This is also the reason why the Monn has no atmosphere.A magnetic compass would not work on the moon, for the moon does not have the magnetic field that the earth has, allowing us to use this device.No, because moon does not have magnetic force like earth

What does the magnetic dip preserved in a rock indicate?

the rock's magnetic latitude at the time that it formed

What is natural magnetic rock?

Lodestone is a magnetic rock that is largely composed of the mineral magnetite.

What is the name of a magnetic?

Magnetic rock is called Lodestone.

What was the moon rock called?

A moon rock.

Does the moon have rock in it?

The moon is made of rock.