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Q: What building material can trap in heat and oxygen?
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Related questions

What is the direct object in the sentence plants trap the sun's heat?

The direct object of the verb 'trap' is the noun heat(plants trap heat).

Why do nitrogen and oxygen do not cause the greenhouse effect?

Nitrogen and oxygen are not greenhouse gases. They are unable to trap and store heat. 3-atom gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane store this heat and cause the greenhouse effect.

How do you trap water vapour?

Well the material to make alveolus traps water vapour while only letting oxygen and carbon dioxide through

Because they trap oxygen from the atmosphere in the water for animals to breathe?

The lungs are the organs that "trap" oxygen from the atmosphere for animals to breath. Lungs do not really trap oxygen, however, they present a tissue to the oxygen-rich air in which the oxygen may diffuse into, where it can be captured by the hemoglobin in the blood.

What are the new traps in saw 6?

Steam Room Trap, Caurosel Trap, Oxygen Trap, Acid Trap and Barbed Wire Noose Trap.

What happened to the leaves covered with oil?

The oil traps heat with is received through the sun. The heat that is trapped slowly curls up the leaves. As is the leaves were burned slowly. And the oxygen that it needs will be trap too.

Which best explains how greenhouse gasses heat the earth?

They trap the heat from the sun that is reflected by the earth

Does a planet need an atmosphere to have a greenhouse effect?

Yes. It is the atmosphere that traps heat. There is no greenhouse effect on the moon, which essentially has no atmosphere. In addition, the atmosphere should have heat absorbing gases. Nitrogen and oxygen trap very little heat, so their "greenhouse effect" is minimal. Using nitrogen to trap heat is like using a metal porch screen as a blanket. It is not very effective.

What name is given to gases which trap heat from the sun?

They are generally called Greenhouses gases, as greenhouses trap heat into the glass.

What are the two ways which stops heat being transferred?

Use a nonconductive item, such as wood. Anything nonmetal or conductive will not allow heat to pass through. For example, if you are in the car after a long day at the pool or beach, you may notice that the car is hot, because it is made of a conductive material. If it was made of wood, you would not feel the heat.Get rid of the heat. If there is no heat, there is nothing to transfer. You can make it cold, you can trap it with no oxygen so it can't spread, just make the heat go away.

What is one gas that trap heat and prevents it from escaping into the atmosphere?

carbondioxide [CO2] and carbondioxide [CO] are the main gasses that trap heat.

What material is used to make clothes?

Shirts are normally made of a polyester mesh, which does not trap the sweat and body heat in the same way as a shirt made of a natural fiber.