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In about 4 billion years from now, the sun will have turned all its hydrogen fuel into helium. As helium turns into other heavier elements, the sun will swell up and totally engulf Mercury first, then Venus, and probably the Earth. Of course, as the sun swelled, the seas would have boiled and the rocks melted, so I don't think there's much chance for the plants. Assuming the unlikely event that humankind has not destroyed itself, we had better be living somewhere else in 3 billion years Phil

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13y ago

the sun still has 5million years to live...

but it will run out of hydrogen somehow...

currently the is a yellow dwarf, when it runs out of hydrogen, it will turn into a red giant which will then expand and will touch the orbit line of venus or beyond (earth) and swallow it up... this will destroy live on earth completely

the planets after earth will be safe as they are far away...

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Q: What would happen to the planets if the sun dies?
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only the two closest planets will die when the sun dies in 4 billion years

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The planets would no longer follow their orbital paths around the Sun. They would move away from the Sun and travel in straight lines.

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Currently the gravitation pull of the Sun is balanced by the momentum the planets have due to their velocities. If the Planets were to slow down they would be pulled closer to the Sun. They could be pulled into the Sun or regain stable orbits as the Sun's gravity increased their speeds again.

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The orbit would increase in size (the planet would orbit farther from the sun).

What will happen if the sun dies out?

Since the sun is the center of our solar system and all the planets revolve around it's gravity, if the sun's light goes away, all life on Earth will cease, but if the sun physically goes away, all the planets will either be consumed in it's explosion or will drift away.

What will happen to earth if sun dies?

Earth dies too.Either one of two things will happen: 1. The amount of helium in the sun will get so small and the amount of carbon dioxide will get so big, that the Earth will be swallowed by the sun.or2. The sun will explode and form into a big black hole and Earth and all the other planets will be going in the black hole.

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Every one will die from asteroids.