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As the denser material which results from the reactions in the sun move closer to the center under gravitational pull the center mass is distanced from the outer reaches of the sun's surface. Less gravitational effect on the outer surface allows the surface to move further away. The overall gravitational effect will lessen over time as material is ejected away from the sun through the solar wind and other processes as well.

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Q: Why the sun will increase in size as it begins to burn off its fuel?
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Does the moon increase its size?

No, the moon does not increase it's size.

Why does the sun will increase in size as it begins to burn off its fule?

because helium is larger than hydrogen. Our sun will become a red giant, burn away mercury, venus and possibly earth, then run out of gas and become a dwarf. The death of a star is a complelex process and is very different for individual stats. A stars demise is dependent on it's mass. Since you are asking about stars that increase in size, I will answer your question adressing star of low to medium mass like our sun. The life of a star is spent in a balancing act between the force of gravity pulling the star inward and the outward force of pressuure of the gas, plasma, and heat caused by nuclear fusion inside the star. As hydrogen, the fuel you speak of, is converted to helium, nuclear fusion begins to decrease. As pressure drops, gravity takes over and causes the star to shrink. This is where things get interesting. As the star shrinks, pressure and heat begin to increase again and when the star reaches a critical pressure and temperature, helium begins to fuse into carbon, oxygen, and other medium elements. This "second" round of fusion releases copius amounts of energy that can, and often does, cause the outer layers of the star to swell up and dissipate into space. This is why, in 4+ billion years, our sun will expand and strip the Earth of its surface. Remeber, this is the scenario for low and medium size star. The end of larger is much more dramatic.

Can a pinhead size amount of the sun's core burn up a town?

it can not burn down a town hudave

What is the main source of energy of a star as it grows in size to becomes a red giant?

A main sequence star burns hydrogen to helium. Once a main sequence star exhausts all of the hydrogen, it begins to expand and burn helium causing if to become a red giant.

What would happen if the sun increase in size?

we would die

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