You will need professional liability insurance, this will just help ensure that you are covered. A physician's assistant is usually covered through the physician's professional liability insurance but it never hurts to have your own on top of that.
Malpractice insurance is a form of Professional liability insurance usually tailored for persons or firms practicing in the legal and medical professions. Malpractice insurance is the term used for Professional Liability insurance in the Medical and certain other professional fields.
Yes, California does require the attorneys to have professional liability insurance.
No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.
Professional liability insurance is something that people who are doctors or special physicians need. You can sign up for this at professional insurance companies like State Farm.
Errors and Omissions Professional Liability Coverage carried by the designer/engineer should provide the coverage for which you are looking. Underwriting professional.
Ultimately the insured is responsible for obtaining adequate liability insurance coverage. If a loss is incurred, it will generally be covered by whichever policy was in force at the time of the loss excepting where Professional liability is the covering policy type.
passengers in my car should be covered since the california car insurance law requirement does not distinguish as to which person is covered by bodily injury liability insurance
Professional Indemnity Insurance Malpractice Insurance Errors and Omissions Insurance
Yourself and the cargo you are carrying should be covered under this insurance. It also protects your company from liability in case of an accident or emergency.
General liability covers Public and Producs Liability, therefore by having General Liability cover, public liability is covered also.
No, vandalism is covered by comprehensiveinsurance.