Dude ya gotta get a better hobby! Who would keep such a record? What would the value of such information be? Without a doubt there is NO OFFICIAL record. As sick as it is; the absolute answer to your question; in practical terms the "unofficial record" will no doubt be held by a horse or a donkey in some third world "Donkey show". You asked!
In the UK an employer is required by law to keep an accident book - all accidents to employees should be recorded in this book. See the link below to see all the records an employer should keep when an accident at work occurs.
An employer is absolutely allowed to keep records on employees.
An employer is entitled to keep a record of time keeping and absenteeism of an employee. Time keeping is important as it could alter how much the employee is paid.
employer keep payroll records maxium 1 year .
If you lied on the application, it is a long stretch to imagine that your employer would let you keep your job. Depending on the crime and the time that has passed since your conviction, it may have been expunged from your record.
How to keep ticket off record.
You really don't need your employer to acknowledge it. You should keep a copy of your letter of resignation. Once your employer receives it (depending on where you work), you would normally be giving two weeks notice. At the end of the two weeks, you will receive your last paycheck and any additional monies owed you, and then you move on. If your employer does not do so, and refuses to comply with your letter of resignation, then go to Labor Relations and make a complaint. In any event, you are free to go to another job at that time.
why does your employer need to have up to date personal information
All payroll tax information must be kept for a minimum of 4 years, and if the W-2 was undeliverable then you are required to keep it on file for a minimum of 4 years, according to the recordkeeping section of pub 15. Generally 4 years minimum and 7 years outside are good rules of thumb. After they are sent to the employee, there is no obligation that the employer provide them again.
what is the difference between hot employer and preferred employer? prefer is ideal employer who regularly posts the vacancies on certain quantity hot employer is the one where vacancies are in some lot like many vacancies are available & keep increasing