Go on I-tunes and take it off your I-pod touch.
delete it
i tunes
You can either choose to uncheck the songs in iTunes, or use something like iPhoneBrowser to delete the cant directly from the i-pod but you can delete it off your computer tthen download all the songs back onto your i-pod.
i believe you buy songs from itunes or burn songs from a cd on
yes you can because my friend did that and i think she copied or dragged her songs from her i pod on to her i pod touch
Yes, you can delete songs off of a jailbroken iPod Touch (but only through iTunes).
Go on iTunes
that's a crazy question but you can download songs and get the internet
You can't delete directly from your ipod, delete the songs of itunes and then sync your ipod. A pop up will come up telling you there are songs on your pod not on itunes click no or never