There is a short quote from S.E. Hinton about her book The Outsiders on her official website. She says, "The Outsiders is definitely my best selling book; but what I like most about it is how it has taught a lot of kids to enjoy reading." It can be found here:
Some more complicated thoughts and memories about the book are also related in a 2005 interview with the New York Times. Available here:
I found these sources by doing searching for "s e hinton" and "outsiders" and "s e hinton" and "interview" on the search engine Google available at:
SE Hinton started writing "The Outsiders" when she was 15 years old, during her high school years. She completed the book when she was 16 and it was published when she was 17.
you can read more books by se hinton that are something like the outsiders they also involve gangs1) Rumble Fish2) That Was Then, This Is Now3) Taming The Star Runner (not really involving gangs for this book)
S.E Hinton was the author, not a character.
S.E Hinton putted her name in initials because she didn't want other people to think girls couldn't write a book like The Outsiders with greasers and fights,
S.E. Hinton played the nurse that helped dally in the movie The Outsiders
In the back of my book there are a bunch of Q&A questions with SE Hinton, and she said that she wrote it based on a true story, something that she saw happen in her neighborhood or something like that.
The Outsiders by SE Hinton-- He had it for most of the book, he just didn't use it until he tricked the cops into shooting him.
No, SE Hinton did not write a book with Jodi Picoult. SE Hinton is known for her classic young adult novel "The Outsiders," while Jodi Picoult is a contemporary fiction author known for her novels that often tackle complex moral and social issues. Their writing styles and genres differ significantly.
S.E Hinton wrote The Outsiders when she was 16 years old and was still in high school, Then the book got published in 1967.
S.E. Hinton was known as one of the first prominent female writers in the young adult fiction genre after publishing "The Outsiders" at the age of 17.
You need to read the book.
S.E. Hinton, the author of "The Outsiders," did not appear in the 1983 movie adaptation.