"CL" stands for "Column Access Strobe Latency," which refers to the time it takes for a memory module to access data within a column. "RL" stands for "Row Access Strobe Latency," which refers to the time it takes for a memory module to access data within a row. These latency values are important in determining the speed and performance of memory modules.
RL stands for Road Luxery
CL is the same as CAS Latency and RL is the same as RAS Latency. They both pertain to the number of clock cycles it takes to write of read a colum or row of data off a memory module. Source:CompTIAA+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your Pc by Jean Andrews Pg.207
cl3 CL - CAS Latency (column access strobe) refers to the number of clock cycles taken to read or write a column of data off a memory module. The lower the latency, the faster the read/write. RL - Row access strobe Latency (RAS Latency), similarlly, measures cycles taken to read\write a row of data.
Coupe luxury
Didn't sell like the TL's and RL's
Robert Lawerence Stine
Robert Lawerence Stine
C u Later
cl or cL stands for centiliters which is a measure of volume, usually liquids.
custom luxury....