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Arnold Joseph Toynbee has written:

'Turkey' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, History

'Abyssinia and Italy' -- subject(s): Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936

'Between Oxus and Jumna'

'Change and habit'

'Le Monde et l'Occident'

'Survivre' -- subject(s): 1950-, Civilisation, Philosophie, Civilisation moderne

'The treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, Refugees, Armenians, Armenian question, Atrocities

'Greek civilization and character'

'Choose Life'

'Democracy in the Atomic age' -- subject(s): Civilization, Modern, History, Modern, Democracy, Modern History, Modern Civilization

'The Patterns of the past' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Civilization, Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889, History

'The crucible of Christianity'

'Greek civilization and character' -- subject(s): Civilization, Translations into English, Hellenism, Greek literature, Translations from Greek, English literature

'The downfalls of civilizations'

'Toynbee on Toynbee'

'Arnold Toynbee, a selection from his works' -- subject(s): Civilization, Philosophy, History

'Cities of Destiny (Weathervane)'

'Mankind and mother earth'

'The concentration of power and the alternatives before us' -- subject(s): War, History, Modern, Modern History

'East to West'

'Chiwit lak dai'

'Four lectures given by Professor Arnold Toynbee in U.A.R' -- subject(s): Civilization, Modern, Modern Civilization


'the eve of war, 1939'

'Christianity among the religions of the world'

'The world after the Peace conference, being an epilogue to the \\' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, World politics, Influence and results

'Nationality And The War'

'Lecture on the Industrial Revolution of the 18th Century in England'

'The prospects of western civilization' -- subject(s): Civilization, Twentieth century, Forecasts

'Industrial Revolution'

'The History of Civilization/Tarikh Tamadon'


'Hannibal's legacy'

'Mankind and Mother Earth'

'A study of history' -- subject(s): Civilization, History

'Guerre et civilisation' -- subject(s): Militarisme, Guerre et civilisation, Militarism

'The German terror in Belgium' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, Atrocities, History

'Change and Habit'

'Marxism, Socialism and Christianity'

'Civilization on trial, and The world and the West' -- subject(s): Philosophy, History, Civilization, East and West, Addresses, essays, lectures

'An ekistical study of the Hellenic city-state' -- subject(s): City planning, City-states

'Hannibal's legacy' -- subject(s): Civilization

'Study of History Volume IV'

'Christianity among the religions of the world' -- subject(s): Religions, Christianity and other religions, Lending library

'East to West, a Journey Around the World'

'A study of history. Vols 1-6'

'Acquaintances' -- subject(s): Biography, Statesmen, Great Britain

'Between Niger and Nile'

'The world and the West' -- subject(s): East and West, Civilization, History

'The continuing effect of the American revolution'

'Toynbee on Toynbee' -- subject(s): Historiography, Philosophy, History

'America and the world revolution' -- subject(s): Relations (general) with foreign countries, Civilization, Western Civilization, Americans in foreign countries, Social conditions, Relations

'Estudio de la Historia. Compendio (3) IX/XIII'

'Study of History (R.I.I.A.)'

'The Islamic world since the peace settlement' -- subject(s): Muslims, Eastern question

'The Western question in Greece and Turkey' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, Eastern question (Balkan), Atrocities, Territorial questions, History, Greeks


'L' histoire' -- subject(s): Philosophy, History

'Hitler's Europe' -- subject(s): World War, 1939-1945, Occupied territories

'Between Oxus and Jumna'

'The Greeks and their heritages'

'Choose Life'

'Cities on the move'

'The world after the Peace conference, being an epilogue to the \\' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, World politics, Influence

'Lectures on the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century in England, popular addresses, notes and other fragments'

'Christianity among the religions of the world'


'The new Europe' -- subject(s): Politics and Government, World War, 1914-1918, Nationalism, Nationalism and nationality, Europe, Reconstruction (1914-1939), National state

'The treatment of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, Refugees, Armenians, Armenian question, Atrocities

'Surviving the future'

'The international repercussions of the war in Spain (1936-7)'

'A study of history' -- subject(s): Civilization, Philosophy, History, Maps, Historical geography

'The conduct of British empire foreign relations since the peace settlement' -- subject(s): Colonies, Foreign relations

'La Vida Despues De La Muerte (Pocket Sudamericana)'

'Lectures on the inndustrial revolution in England : popular addresses, notes and other fragments. '

'One world and India' -- subject(s): Civilization, Modern, Modern Civilization

'Escolha a vida'

'Hellenism, the history of a civilization' -- subject(s): Hellenism, History


'L' histoire ; un essai d'interpretation'

'A Study of History, Volume 12'

'The Balkans'

'Cites on the move' -- subject(s): Cities and towns, History

'Change and habit'

'The industrial revolution' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Study of History'

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Arnold Joseph Toynbee was a British historian and author known for his monumental work "A Study of History," in which he examined the rise and fall of civilizations throughout human history. He was a prolific writer on topics related to history, civilizations, and international affairs.

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