Mikhael Bebela Missakabo has written:
'Can computers do what humans do?' -- subject(s): Intellect, Artificial Intelligence
Mikhael Bebela Missakabo is known for his book "Rachel's Blue." It is a novel that explores themes of identity and belonging within the context of a Congolese family living in France.
Mikhael Christian has written: 'Madivachhoyn bal'
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
Author of Anthony Ker. has written: 'Not worth his salt'
Author of Anthony Leger. has written: 'Gabrielle de Vergy'
Donald Parson has written: 'Surely the author'
Author of Indiana Danby. has written: 'The history of Miss Pamela Howard'
Author of Ernest Harwood has written: 'Clara Roscom, or, The path of duty'
Amy Greenstadt has written: 'Rape and the rise of the author'
Forrest Robinson has written: 'The Author-Cat' 'After the fire'
Author of the Critical review. has written: 'Remarks on the Examination and examiner of the Critical review'
No. Harry Potter was written by British author, J.K. Rowling and Twilight was written by American author Stephenie Meyer.
E'erdengtai. has written: '\\'