Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska has written:
'Food and war in twentieth century Europe' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918, World War, 1939-1945, War and society, Social conditions, Military History, Food supply, History
Iwona Rummel-Bulska has written:
'Legal and institutional arrangements for environmental protection and sustainable development in developing countries' -- subject- s -: Law and legislation, Environmental law, Sustainable development
'Activities of UNEP in the field of environmental law in 1991' -- subject- s -: Environmental law, International, International Environmental law, United Nations Environment Programme
Iwona Antowska-Bartosiewicz has written:
'Poland's external debt problem by the end of 1991' -- subject(s): Debts, External, Economic conditions, External Debts, Poland
Katarzyna Muzia has written: 'Robertus Pecora' -- subject(s): Light, Scattering, Degrees, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
Author of Anthony Ker. has written: 'Not worth his salt'
Author of Anthony Leger. has written: 'Gabrielle de Vergy'
Donald Parson has written: 'Surely the author'
Author of Indiana Danby. has written: 'The history of Miss Pamela Howard'
Author of Ernest Harwood has written: 'Clara Roscom, or, The path of duty'
Amy Greenstadt has written: 'Rape and the rise of the author'
Forrest Robinson has written: 'The Author-Cat' 'After the fire'
Author of the Critical review. has written: 'Remarks on the Examination and examiner of the Critical review'
No. Harry Potter was written by British author, J.K. Rowling and Twilight was written by American author Stephenie Meyer.
E'erdengtai. has written: '\\'