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They are today subsumed within the Torah.

Moses wrote a scroll containing the narratives of Genesis, at God's command, before the formal Giving of the Torah (Rashi commentary, Exodus ch.24). It was this scroll which he read to the Israelites (Exodus 24:7) as an introduction to what God's covenant would entail. This was not a surprise to the Israelites, since they had carefully handed down the narratives and events of the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in small parchment scrolls (see Midrash, Shemot Rabbah 5:18 and 22).

After the Giving of the Torah, and Moses having written it in its complete form (Deuteronomy 31:24), the earlier fragments were no longer needed and eventually went lost.

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Refuting the secular "multiple-authors" hypotheses

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7mo ago

Manuscripts can be preserved in various places such as libraries, archives, museums, and universities around the world. Some well-known institutions that preserve manuscripts include the British Library, the Vatican Library, the Library of Congress, and the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University.

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8y ago

Strictly speaking, there never were any original manuscripts of the Book of Genesis, as it evolved over a period of centuries and with several identified but anonymous authors, to finally become the book we have today.

The two earliest sources were the 'J Source', representing the traditions of Judah and writing around the end of the tenth century BCE, and the 'E Source', representing the traditions of Israel and writing perhaps a hundred years later. These two sources wrote two entirely separate books, which were combined into a single book known today as 'JE' after those two original sources. This was not yet the Book of Genesis, because a great deal of material was added during or shortly after the Babylonian Exile by the 'P Source'. It was then redacted by the Redactor, or 'R Source', into more or less the book we have today. However this process was completed well over two thousand years ago and such early manuscripts no longer exist.

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