Composer Richard Wagner is credited with envisioning operas as total works of art that combine music, drama, and visual elements to create a unified theatrical experience. His concept of "Gesamtkunstwerk" influenced the development of Opera in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Richard Wagner
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Music Dramas
Music Dramas
Wagner is most known for his operas and music dramas.
They were called 'music dramas' but it not clear who first coined that phrase.
there is a continuous musical flow within each act. there are no breaks where applause can interrupt. the vocal line is inspired by the rhythms and pitches of the German text. They are called music dramas because the story is told as much by the orchestra as by the text, through Wagner's system of leading motives and identifying themes for each character. Wagner felt that operas before him were just music set to words, and he wanted the music itself to tell the story.
musical dance and dramas