

Richard Wagner

The controversial German composer, Richard Wagner, was one of the first, and best, orchestrators of the Romantic era. Wagner was unique in that he both wrote the music and the libretti for all of his compositions. All questions regarding this fascinating and influential musical icon should be posted here.

125 Questions

Who wrote ride of the valkyries?

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"Ride of the Valkyries" was composed by Richard Wagner as part of his opera "Die Walküre" (The Valkyrie), which is the second opera in the four-opera cycle "Der Ring des Nibelungen" (The Ring of the Nibelung).

Was Ride of the Valkyries used as part of the Star Wars music?

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John Williams, the composer for a lot of the music in Star Wars (and Jaws), is known in the composers circle as someone who tends to "borrow" a lot of themes and progressions from other composers. I am not a Star Wars fan, so I don't know if they used any Wagner, but I know John Williams did a lot of the music and I know he isn't very original at times.

AnswerAll of the music in the Star Wars movies was written by John Williams. Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" was not used in those films. In the film "Apocalypse Now" the "Ride of the Valkyries" was famously played by American helicopter pilots to shake up the people on the ground during a military operation.

While it is true that John Williams receives credit for the score of the "Star Wars Theme," there is no doubt that he borrowed heavily from Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries," so much so that had Wagner been alive at the time of the movie's release, there is a very good chance he would have been able to successfully sue for copyright infringement.

I believe the closeness of the scores was intentional on Williams' part, though, as much of the story of Star Wars borrows heavily from Wagnerian tales. Here is one site that might help put this in focus:

Which composer had a lot of influence on young Richard Wagner?

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Beethoven held a great influence on Wagner, especially in Wagner's earliest compositions.

What did Richard Wagner use for the basis of his works?

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He drew upon Norse mythology and an epic medieval poem called the Nibelungenlied.

What is Richard Wagner's style of music?

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all the peices of s h i t has been just dumped in the sewage....

What are some famous compositions done by Richard Wagner?

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Richard Wagner is most famous for his Nibelung Ring Cycle about Sigfried and Brunhilde, the most famous of those being Die Walkure or Ride of the Valkyries which has been used time and time again in film such as Apocalypse Now and Valkyrie

What object is used on a movie set to start a scene?

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Do you mean the clapper (or clapboard) that has the show name, episode title, scene number, take number, date, etc? The new ones also have the SMPTE codes for sound and video editing. It is right side up at the beginning of a take and upside down at the end.

Who was Richard Wagner?

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A classical music composer, known for many great operas (which he called "music dramas").

According to the great English poet W.H. Auden, Wagner was "perhaps the greatest genius who ever lived".

He revolutionised opera, making each act a continuous whole. Hitherto acts had been composed of self-contained scenes or numbers strung together.

He also revolutionised music, pushing harmony to the bounds of what was possible according to conventional treatment, so that according to some accounts Schoenberg's so-called "atonality" (a term Schoenberg himself hated) had to follow. The prelude to Tristan, and especially its famous first chord, is seen as a crucial step along this road, and continues to generate discussion (and elude analysis) today.

He vastly expanded the orchestra, inventing an instrument (the two sizes of Wagner tuba, intended to have the sombreness of the trombone but with a less incisive tone, like the French horn) for the Ring cycle, which exponentially increased the possible number of instrumental combinations. He used these so sensitively and brilliantly that, according to many, he is the greatest orchestrator who ever lived. (He himself awarded that accolade to Mozart.) By writing virtuosic music for all the orchestral instruments, he forced the orchestra as a whole to become virtuosic.

His last four works, the Ring cycle, Tristan und Isolde, Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg (the longest opera in the whole operatic repertoire) and Parsifal, continue to yield profound philosophical, psychological and metaphysical insights. Unlike most other composers, his works resonate far outside their ostensibly musical sphere.

The Ring cycle of four operas (or, as he preferred, three operas with a preliminary evening) is Western music's equivalent of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling, St Peter's Basilica in Rome or Tolstoy's War and Peace: it's a gigantic conception that took two-and-a-half decades to fulfil, and which remains among the mightiest, most aspirational, most comprehensive works of Western art.

Why was Richard Wagner important in music?

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Wagner was an advocate of Gesamtkunstwerk (Music of the Future - a movement supporting the fusion of music and drama) achieved through the perfect union of text, music and stagecraft.

He brought us into a new style, as Robert Shumann wrote in his Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (New Journal for Music), "[he] was destined to give ideal expression to the times."

As well, Wagner wrote his own operatic librettos, before composing the music. He paid careful attention to language, aiming to integrate text and music, creating what he called "poetic speech."

Did Richard Wagner have children?

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Richard Wagner had three children with Cosima Francesca Gaetana Wagner. The first was Isolde who was born on April 10, 1865. The second was Eva who was born in February of 1867. The third was Siegfried (Cosima and Wagner's only son) who was born in June 1869

Did Wagner write the libretto for all his operas?

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Presumably you mean Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His operas are - Apollo et Hyacinthus Ascanio in Alba Bastien und Bastienne La clemenza di Tito Così fan tutte Don Giovanni Die Entführung aus dem Serail La finta giardiniera La finta semplice Idomeneo Lucio Silla The Magic Flute The Marriage of Figaro Mitridate, re di Ponto L'oca del Cairo Il re pastore Der Schauspieldirektor Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebotes Il sogno di Scipione Lo sposo deluso Thamos, King of Egypt Zaide

Elements of music in Wagner's ride of the valkyries?

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large full orchestra with heavily augmented brass section, including "Wagner tubas" (euphonium-like instruments)

When did Richard Wagner get married?

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Robert Wagner has been married three times in his life. His first wife was actress Natalie Wood. His second wife was Marion Marshall with whom he has a daughter Katie Wagner. He remarried Natalie Wood and they had a daughter Courtney Brooke. After Natalie died he married Jill St. John.

One of Robert Wagners more famous parts was Jonathan Hart in Hart to Hart with Stephanie Powers. In an interesting twist Natalie Wood, Jill St John and Stephanie Powers all took dance with the same teacher as children and got together for a Christmas picture. Jill St. John calls the picture "He married them all"

What genre of music is Richard Wagner most known for?

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Wagner is most known for his operas and music dramas.

What was Richard Wagner considered the most progressive composer of his day?

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a. He combined choral music and orchestral music.

b. He introduced the libretto to the opera

c. He advanced the harmonic idiom of music into new, exciting realms.

d. He used the tala pulses in his orchestrations.

How did Richard Wagner's father die?

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Richard Wagner's natural father was Carl Friedrich Wagner although he left Wagners mum when he was little. His mother married Ludwig Geyer so he acted like more of a father than his natural father

How did Richard Wagner contribute to operatic history?

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Basically he made it so when you watch opera the lights get dimmed and you have to be quiet.

Why was Richard Wagner's music so influential?

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Mozart's influence was Christian Bach As well as being influenced by the work of composer Johann Christian Bach, who befriended Mozart as a child in London in 1764-5, Mozart became friends later with Josef Haydn, and each had some influence upon the other's musical style.

Was Richard Wagner a Racist?

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The vast majority of opinion is that his operas were not racist, but a very small minority believe that at least one, Parsifal, was racist. It really is a personality thing, especially mixing up the man with his works. The link below will help explain, especially under 'Racism and Nazi appropriation'

What was Richard Nixon's wife's name?

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Pat Nixon's full maiden name was Thelma Catherine Ryan.