first: 26 second: 41 third: 52
The bolts on a 94 Dodge Intrepid valve cover need to be very tight. You should tighten to 12 N*m or 105 inch pounds.
There are valve cover bolts around the perimeter of the valve cover. You want these tight but not as tight as you can get them.
15 to 20 inch pounds should do it, or what feels tight with your fingers.
Check the specs for the vehicle you are working on (You can find them on the net if you do not have the manual) and the torque requirements will be there. Do not over torque the bolts as removing a broken valve cover bolt is a pain. Good luck.
how tight should we tight the head gasket bolt for a ford f150 Need to know the engine size.
lock them in tight.
24 Foot Lbs on clutch cover bolts. 85 Foot Lbs on flywheel bolts. Use lock tight on both set of bolts.
There will a torque setting but just make sure they are tight. Not super tight or anything just snug them up and they give it a little more. They dont need to be on tight seeing as how thin the bolts are they will break.
the bolts should be very very very loose. in other words, don't tighten at all! is this the 2 one at either end that u are on about if you are what would you do just tighten them till bolts grab thanks
Yes, they should be as tight as you can get with a 6 inch long wrench
most valve gaskets should be tightened with i believe about 1- 3 lbs of torque,however most torque wrenches don't go that low so barring a wrench just good and hand tight will suffice,be warned that too tight will shear off your valve cover bolts and trust me that's a pain