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Q: A carbonhydrate made up of two sugar units is a?
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What are three examples of disaccharides?

Lactose,sucrose,maltose etc.. (they built up of two sugar units)

What is the name for a molecule that is made of two sugar monomers bonded together?


How does glucose differ from sucrose and cellulose and starch?

Glucose is a monosaccharide (A single sugar 'unit'). It has 6 carbons and is an aldohexose.Sucrose is a dissaccharide. Meaning it is made up of two monosaccharide units. These units are a cyclic Glucose and a cyclic Fructose.Cellulose and Starch are both polysaccharides. Made up of many many individual sugar units or monomers. You can say they are sugar polymers.Starch is a glucose polymer. The two principal forms Amylose and Amylopectin are made up of alpha-D-Glucose monomers connected via alpha-1,4-glycosidic linkages.Cellulose is also a glucose polymer. But has alternating beta-D-Glucose monomers connected via a beta-1,4-glycosidic link.Important note regarding starch vs cellulose, is that most animal (including humans) have an enzyme to hydrolyze starch (or cleave the alpha-glycosidic linkages) but not enzyme for the beta-link in cellulose. Therefore we can not digest cellulose as a energy source.In short. Glucose: a monosaccharide. Sucrose: dissaccharide. Starch and Cellulose: Polysaccharides.

Structure of DNA molecules?

DNA is made up of many nucleotides. These are a sugar-phosphate backbone and nitrogenous bases. The two strands form a double helix (a spiral) with the nitrogenous bases in the middle, forming H-bonds with each other.

What two units make up protein?

units that make up proteins are ribsomes. Answer: Ribsomes

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A carbohydrate made up of two sugar units is a?


What sugars contain two sugar units?


Structural formula of cellulose?

The structural formula of sucrose is C12H22O11. Sucrose's common name is table sugar, and is made up of two sugar units.

What is the name of malt sugar?

Maltose. Two units of bonded glucose.

What phase in cellular respiration releases the oxygen?

glycosis, where a six carbon sugar is split into two molecules of a 3 carbon sugar.

Is maltose a sugar?

Yes, it is a disaccharide containing two linked units of glucose.

What is the scientific name of malt sugar?

Maltose. Two units of bonded glucose.

What makes up monosaccharides?

I believe maltose is made up of two glucose molecules.

What substances are made up of glucose units only?

Glycogen and starch are two substances made from repeating units of glucose.

What molecule is in carbohydrates?

Mono-carbohydrates (a monomer, eg. glucose) are structural units of a polycarbohydrate.Example:Glucose is the monomer of at least three carbohydrate polymers:starch (two different poly-alpha-glucoses: amylose and amylopectin) andcellulose (poly-beta-glucose)

What are three examples of disaccharides?

Lactose,sucrose,maltose etc.. (they built up of two sugar units)

How do you turn newspapers into sugar?

Because newspaper is made up of cellulose, from plant cells, you can break it down into sugars by applying the enzyme cellulase, which breaks down cellulose. You are then making sugar, since cellulose is made of repeating units of glucose, a common sugar (sucrose, a familiar sugar called table sugar, is two glucose units bonded together). If you don't have any cellulase handy, you can try composting the newspaper - the bacteria and fungi in the compost pile naturally produce the cellulase enzyme and when they are helping the newspaper to decompose, what they are really doing is breaking down the cellulose into simple sugars.