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A recessive gene refers to an allele which is only seen in homozygous genotype.

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Q: A homozygous genotype where both alleles are recessive are called?
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What is it when you have a gene pair that consist of two dominate alleles and two recessive alleles?

The name of the gene pair that consists of a dominant and recessive allele, i.e. (Xx) will be a heterozygous allele. In this situation, the characteristics of the dominant characteristic will mask that of the recessive allele. People have have a heterozygous genotype may be carriers for diseases that reside on the recessive allele.

Using the terms dominant recessive explain the difference between genotype and phenotype?

No, I think you have your terms confused.The terms "dominant" and "recessive" are applied to alleles of a genotype. A genotype is an expression (using upper- and lower-case letters) that shows what alleles an organism has for a particular locus. The two alleles (in most cases) inherited (one from mother and one from father) can either be dominant or recessive. The recessive allele is not fully expressed in the presence of the dominant allele and is only expressed when there are two recessive alleles. The genotype could be called "recessive" I suppose if the genotype is homozygous recessive. But remember that two recessive alleles as a genotype is only one possibility - in which case you can't say the "genotype is recessive".The phenotype is dependent on the genotype. If present, the dominant alleles (in simple Mendelian genetics) will determine the phenotype - what the organism's trait or characteristic is. The phenotype will never be what is coded by the recessive allele unless the genotype is two recessive alleles.

A plant with the genotype TT is called?

Genotype TT is called a homozygous genotype. The TT indicates identical alleles, and the capital letters represent their dominant trait.

How do you describe homozygous and heterozygous individuals?

Homozygous is a term used to describe an organism that has two of the same alleles for a trait. If a person's alleles for eye color are BB (dominant dominant) or bb (recessive recessive), they are homozygous.

How are two traits that have Dominant and Recessive alleles inherited?

The trait received is recessive.

Term for a genotype in which there are two recessive alleles?

A genotype consisting of two different alleles is a heterozygote.

What is a gene pair called when is consist of two dominant alleles or two recessive alleles?


What is genotype called?

Genotype TT is called a homozygous genotype. The TT indicates identical alleles, and the capital letters represent their dominant trait.

When an individual have two identical alleles for the same trait it is called?

Having two similar alleles for a trait is called being homozygous. It is possible to be homozygous for a dominant or recessive trait.

What is two dominant alleles called?

In eyes, it would be brown is dominant, and blue is recessive. Free earlobe allele is said to be dominant over the attached earlobe allele. When an organism has two dominant alleles for a trait, it is called homozygous dominant. Two recessive alleles for a trait is homozygous recessive.

What is the name for a cross between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive?

A cross between a homozygous recessive and an individual of unknown genotype is called a test cross.The homozygous recessive can only pass on a recessive allele to the offspring, and so any recessive in the other parent will show up in the phenotype (detectable characteristics) of some of the offspring.

What is A Plant With Two Dominate Or Two Recessive Alleles called?

A homozygous plant