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b: the organism, but not its offspring

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Q: A mutation changes a gene in a cell in the stomach of an organism This mutation could cause a change in?
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A mutation changes a gene in a cell in the stomach of an organism. This mutation could cause a change in -?

b: the organism, but not its offspring

What does Bacteria and viruses change the genotype of an organism through?

Bacteria and viruses change the genotype of an organism through mutation. Mutations are heritable changes in DNA and RNA that changes the genes..

What changes during a mutation?

Mutations can improve the trait, harm the trait, or neither.

What do you call a change in the hereditary instructions of an organism?

which is a change in an organism's genes that can be passed from parent to offspring

A change in DNA is?

A change in an organism's DNA is called mutation.

A change in the DNA of an organism?

it is a mutation

What are the three things that mutation can cause?

A change in the DNA can cause three types of changes: a beneficial change (organism does better than others), a deadly change (kills the organism) or a neutral change (not better/not deadly).

What is a change in an organism's genetic material?

A mutation.

How do mutations occur in an organism?

In the base sequence of the DNA part of the DNA changes which causes a change in the whole DNA which is called a mutation.

How are adaptation and mutation related?

If an organism adapts to something it means that that organism has been changed. And a change is a mutation, so they are very related. If an organism needs to adapt it has to change itself ( to mutate ).

What is the definiton of mutation?

A change in the genetic material of an organism.

What is anything in the environment that causes a reaction or change in an organism?

Certain chemicals and radiation in the environment can cause a reaction or mutation in an organism. Such changes may alter organisms genotype or phenotype. Chemicals that induce changes in organisms DNA is called mutagens.