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long, cylindrical

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No it i under involuntary control.

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Q: Are striated muscle cells are long and cylindrical?
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Is striated muscle cells are long and cylindrical with many nuclei?


What kind of muscle contains cylindrical cells with branching ends?

Skeletal muscle tissueVoluntary or skeletal muscles contains long non branching cylindrical cells.

Which specific tissue contains long which specific tissue contains long cylindrical cells with striatiations?

Skeletal muscular tissue is composed of long, cylindrical, striated cells.

A tissue composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei is?

Skeletal Muscle

How cardiac muscle fibers differ from the fibrs of skeletal muscle?

Both cardiac and skeletal muscle cells are striated and contract by the sliding filament mechanism. However, cardiac muscles cells are short, fat, branched, and interconnected unlike the long, cylindrical, multinucleate of skeletal muscle fibers.

Are Skeletal muscles cells are long and cylindrical with many nuclei?

Cardiac muscle fibers

What is the definition of a Skeletal muscle cell?

A skeletal muscle cell is a type of cell that is long, cylindrical, and striated in appearance. These cells are responsible for voluntary movement and are attached to bones by tendons. Skeletal muscle cells contract to generate force and movement in the body.

What does it mean if a muscle is striated?

Striated muscle includes cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart. Skeletal muscle is between bones and is voluntarily controlled. Examples of skeletal muscle are the sternoclydomastoid, biceps, obicularis oris, rectus femoris, etc.

Why muscle cell called muscle fibre?

Muscle cells are called muscle fibers because of their long, slender shape that resembles a fiber. The structure of muscle cells allows them to contract and generate force, which is essential for muscle function. The term "fiber" is used to describe the long, cylindrical shape of these cells that run parallel to each other in muscle tissue.

What can be found in every skeletal muscle?

Mycocytes, muscle cells sometimes called muscle fibers, are individual components that make up skeletal muscle cells. They are formed from the fusion of myoblasts known as myogenesis. They are long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells called myofibers. They are held together by connective tissue. The muscle is attached to tendons and bones,

What muscle tissues has long fibers and nuclei on the surface?

Skeletal muscle tissue.

What are the tissues in skeletal muscle?

Skeletal muscle is made up of individual components known as muscle fibers. These fibers are formed from the fusion of developmental myoblasts (a type of embryonic progenitor cell that gives rise to a muscle cell). The myofibers (muscle fiber) are long, cylindrical, multinucleated cells composed of actin and myosinmyofibrils repeated as a sarcomere, the basic functional unit of the cell and responsible for skeletal muscle's striated appearance and forming the basic machinery necessary for muscle contraction. The term muscle refers to multiple bundles of muscle fibers held together by connective tissue. Wikipedia dude ...