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Q: Body cell mutations cannot be passed on to offspring. This is because body cells do not contribute genetic material to?
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Why are mutation that occur body cells not pass on to its offspring?

This is because body cells do not contribute genetic material to sex cells.

Mutations that occur in skin or lung cells have little effect on the evolution of a species because mutations in these cells?

cannot be passed on to offspring

Ultraviolet radiation can cause mutations in the DNA of skin cells that have been overexposed to the sun This mutated DNA has no effect on future offspring because?

Mutations may occur in the rna codons

Few chromosome mutations are passed on to the next generation because?

Few chromosome mutations are passed on to the next generation because the zygote usually dies. Also the mature organism is sterile, and the mature organism is often incapable of producing offspring.

Do mutations lead to greater diversity?

Yes, because when something mutates, it has a new genetic sequence. After it reproduces, its offspring may also have the mutated genetic sequence. After enough generations and mutations, a new species may be created.

What is the difference between somatic and gametic cells?

a germline mutation is one the was passed on to offspring because the egg or sperm cell was mutated. a somatic mutation is a mutation of the somatic cells (all cells except sex cells) that cannot be passed on to offspring.

Do the dividing cells of a many celled organism separate?

No, because they need to have 2parents help contribute to form the offspring cell.

Most serious problem associated with the inversion of genetic material?

Chromosomal defects in offspring. Because no genetic material is lost with inversion of genetic material, individuals often have no obvious physical effects. The major risk with the inversion of genetic material is that offspring of these individuals may have more severe chromosomal abnormalities.

What process in cells undergoing meiosis increases genetic diversity?

Sexual reproduction increases genetic diversity by introducing new genetic material.

Can mutations that occur in somatic cells be passed on to an organisms offspring?

If the mutation happens in the germ cells, only then it wil be passed on to the offsprings. But, if it happens in some other cell, then it won't be. Such a mutation is Superficial. Like, if we cut the tail of a mouse, no change occurs in the germ cells. So the next generation will still be born with a tail.

Are all mutations bad.?

No not all mutations are bad there are good mutations and bad mutations

In sexual reproduction offspring are genetically different from the parents. This is because?

Each parent contributes only half of their genetic material to the offspring and the merging of genetic material from each parent may result in a traits different from what the generic material invoked in each parent.