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increase the temp. or wash it with very mild and diluted HCl

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Q: Differentiating mRNA from DNA RNA hybrid?
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What is the process of forming RNA from DNA?

The process of forming mRNA from DNA is known as transcription.It is best to be specific when referring to RNA. There are three types of RNA: mRNA (messenger RNA), tRNA (transfer RNA), and rRNA (ribosomal RNA).Note that when transcribing mRNA from DNA, thymine (in DNA) is paired with adenine (in mRNA) and adenine (in DNA) is paired with uracil (in mRNA).

What does reverse transcriptase use from DNA?

Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to form DNA. mRNA

RNA that is a copy of DNA message that can enter the cytoplasm?

DNA code is copied to messenger RNA, abbreviated mRNA.

RNA molecule that is template for translation?

DNA serves as a template for transcribing mRNA.

What RNA strand is produced from DNA?

messenger RNA (mRNA)

Carries the message of DNA to ribosomes?

mRNA (messenger RNA) carries the instructions for protein synthesis from the DNA to the ribosomes.

What is the name of the enzyme that creates mRNA?

RNA polymerase is the enzyme that makes mRNA from a strand of DNA.

What is the form of RNA that is transcribed from DNA?

A. rRNA Type of RNA molecule transcribed from a DNA template B. codon Sequence of three nucleotides on a messenger RNA molecule C. tRNA RNA component of ribosomes D. anticodon Connects mRNA codon to an amino acid E.mRNA Sequence of three nucleotides on a transfer RNA molecule

Where DNA changes to RNA?

Nucleus of the cell the DNA becomes mRNA

In gene expression and protein synthesis information flows from?

DNA --> RNA --> Proteins -----------------------------------------That simple.

What is meant by mRNA?

mRNA = messenger RNA. This is one of the three types of RNA and it brings the DNA code to the tRNA in translation.

DNA Transcription is the production of?

messenger RNA (mRNA)