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The kingdom protozoa is the scientifically correct name for referring to all protists. However, the kingdom protozoa has a wide variety of different phyla, (groupings of organisms) and they are not all the same. Some may have a cell membrane, such as the amoeba. Others, like the paramecium or euglena, have a stiff but bendable outer coating called a pellicule, made of protein. It would not be correct to say that all protists have a cell membrane, but many of them have one, or a similar structure that protects the cell.

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yes. they're eukaryotic.

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Q: Do protists have membrane-bound organelles
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Do protists have organelles?

yes. they are eukaryotes.

Do protists cells have a nucleus?

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No. Protists are a general group for eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, animals, or fungi. As eukaryotes, protists have a cellular nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Bacteria are prokaryotes and lake a nucleus or organelles and are generally simpler.

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