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Maybe, if he read enough books on the subject. Still, every female is unique, having their own set of needs, wants, and desires. Yes, there may be some basics, however, the rest is communication with the female and experimentation. Communication with the female is critical if you ever want to find out what works, and that will be particular to each as an individual.

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Not necessarily. Sexual pleasure and satisfaction can vary greatly between individuals, and there is no universal formula for pleasing a woman. Communication, understanding consent, and mutual exploration are crucial for both partners in discovering what brings pleasure and satisfaction in their sexual encounters. Education, openness, and a willingness to learn can contribute to a positive sexual experience for both parties involved.

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Q: Does a male virgin know what to do to pleasure a woman in sex?
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How do you differentiate between virgin male and non virgin male?

I virgin male has not had sex A NON-virgin male has had sex...a lot probably

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It has been know that the oldest male virgin is only the age of 18. Studies are not always correct though.

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can't say am still a virgin at forty not that I don't want to just not been ready as shy with females and a bit scared they will laugh as am forty and still a virgin

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I assume that by non-virgin woman is meant a widow or a divorced woman because, in Islam, it is strictly forbidden to practice intercourse without marriage. Doing sex without marriage is a big sin in Islam.So, sure for widow or divorced woman she can get married.As for non-virgin woman without marriage, first she:should admit that she is sinful in performing intercourse without marriage,should intend not to do it again, andshould repent and ask God for forgiveness.Then, God, the All-Merciful, may accept her repentance per His Will.If a Muslim man feels that this non-virgin woman is serious in her repentance and if he feels that she indeed returned back to the right path of God, then if he marries her he will be rewarded, per God Will, for his good doing.

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The dream has something to do with your attitude toward women and sexuality. Because it is not possible to know whether or not any person, male or female, is a virgin by looking at the person, your mind might be showing you that you need more accurate information about sexuality. Alternatively, if the person in your dream was a "virgin" in the sense of being a monk, priest or nun, then the dream may have a spiritual meaning. Either way, any interpretation depends on what you are feeling during the dream and what the woman says or does.

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What is the name giving to a male virgin?

a penis