

Does binary fission occur in plants?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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Yes, it does, though the process is different to that in animal cells due to the prescence of cell walls.

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Q: Does binary fission occur in plants?
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Prokaryottic cells divide by binary fission , it replicates its DNA then divide the cell into two by cytokineses.

What plants reproduce with Binary Fission?

None i think

What type of cells does binary fission occur in?

An organism that can undergo binary fission would be a plan ol prokaryotic cell or a protozoan if you want something specific.

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Amoeba reproduces by binary fission .

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yes, they can.

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binary fission

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Binary fission Multi fission Budding Fragmentation Parthenogenesis. Are some .There are many in plants too.

Which type of cell division occurs in binary fission?

A cell: All cells divide using Binary fission (except for sex cells which use meiosis) plant cells use binary fission (that is how they grow and repair) animal cell use binary fission (also how grow and repair themselves) bacteria use binary fission (this is how they reproduce, they evolve due to genetic mutations that some times occur during binary fission). The only things that don't use this are viruses which aren't cells and aren't even considered living.

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Binary fission

Binary fission examples?

binary fission is mainly four types : 1 simply binary fission eg. ameoba bacteria 2. longitudinal binary fissioneg. euglena 3.transverse binary fission eg paramecium, planaria4. oblique binary fission

How does binary fission happen?

Nuclear fission of uranium 238 occurred in the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

What is the name of the type of cell division that occur in the prokaryotic cell cycle?

simple answer: binary Fission :]