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prophase I

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Q: During which phase of meiosis does crossover occur?
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What is the exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes during pro phase of meiosis?

Crossing over or chromosomal crossover.

Does meiosis occur in the s phase?


What mutations occur during cell division?

mutation is change and it doesnt happen during division. You must have got confused

In which phase will crossing-over occur?

Crossing over occurs during Prophase I of meiosis.

What phase does cross over occur?

Diplotene stage of meiosis I phase

What phase does meiosis crossing over occur?

prophase 1.

What phase is DNA duplicated?

The S phase in the interphase. Chromosomes are copied in the interphase part of the cell cycleS phase would be the answer. It is during Interphase (G1, S, G2) that they are copied. SO dependant on your answers it's either interphase or S.

Which phase of meiosis do diversification occur?

Diversification occurs during the crossing over phase of meiosis, which is Prophase I. During this phase, chromosomes exchange genetic material, resulting in the recombination of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. This process increases genetic diversity and contributes to the unique combination of traits in offspring.

Mutations in DNA often occur during replication. During which phase of the cell cycle do such mutations occur?

Genetic mutations occur during the S phase of the cell cycle (during interphase before mitosis or meiosis begins). This is when DNA is replicated, so any error would cause a mutation in the genetic code. Chromosomal nondisjunction is the failure of replicated chromosomes to separate, which causes extra or missing chromosomes in the daughter cells. This mutation can occur during meiosis I or II and during mitosis.

When does DNA replecation occur in meiosis?

DNA replication always occurs at cell nucleus itself

Why are skin cells under going mitosis continuously?

in what phase of meiosis does synapse occur ?

Genetic disorders can result when chromatids fail to separate properly. During with phase is this problem most likely to occur?

In general, nondisjunction can occur in any form of cell division that involves ordered distribution of chromosomal material.There are three forms of nondisjunction: failure of a pair of homologous chromosomes to separate in meiosis I, failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II, and failure of sister chromatids to separate during metaphase going into anaphase of mitosis.mitosis