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the joint formed by the bodies of two adjacent vertebrae separated by an intervertebral disc is a symphysis joint. Each intervertebral disc is composed of a band of fibrocartilage (annulus fibrosus) that surrounds a gelatinous core (nucleus pulposus). the disc absorbs shocks and helps equalize pressure between the vertebrae when the body movies. Each disc is slightly flexible, so the combined movement of many of the joints in the vertebral column allows the back to bend forward or the the side or to twist. they are amphiarthrotic joints because these joints allow slight movement.

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These bones have to act more like a sturdy tree trunk than a moveable branch. Some movement is needed but not too much.

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Q: Explain how the joints between vertebrae permit movement?
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Is your vertebrae movable?

Almost all the joints between vertebrae are movable. The joints between the cervical vertebrae and lumber vertebrae have fairly good movement. Between thoracic vertebrae only you have less movement. But then they do move on each other.

What are the joints between the vertebrae of the backbone?

what type of joint is between bodies of vertebrae ? cartilaginous joint

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The facet joints are the joints between adjacent vertebrae.

What type of joint are the joints between vertebrae?

Gliding joints are found between vertebrae except for the first two which have a pivoit joint.

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Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that primarily affects the joints between the vertebrae.

Where are Semi-movable joints found?

between the vertebrae

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What types of joints are between the bodies of the vertebrae of the backbone?

secondary cartilaginous joint

What type of movement does the joint planar allows?

A Planar joint is also known as a gliding joint, and allows sliding or back and forth motions as well as twisting movements.Examples of Planar joints are in the wrists and ankles, and the joints between the vertebrae in the spine.

How many joints a human body has?

ACCORDING TO MUHAMMAD (SAWW)"Everyone has been created with three hundred and sixty Joints"TODAY ANATOMY AND ANOTOMISTS PROVE ITFirst: 147 joints in the vertebral column25 joints between the vertebrae.72 joints between the vertebrae and the ribs.Second: 24 joints in the thorax2 joints between the bones of the sternum and the thoracic cage.18 joints between the sternum and the ribs.2 joints between the clavicle and the scapulae (shoulder blade).2 joints between the scapulae and the thorax.Third: 86 joints in the upper extremity2 joints between the scapular bones.6 joints between the elbows.8 joints between the wrists.70 joints between the hand bones.Fourth: 92 joints in the lower extremity2 hip joints.6 joints between the knee bones.6 joints between the ankles.74 joints between the feet bones.Fifth: 11 joints in the Pelvis4 joints between the coccyx vertebrae.6 joints between the bones acetabulm.1 joint of the pubic sumphysis.Total number of joints: 360EVERY THING THAT PROPHET TOLD US IS A NODE FOR US AND IF WE ARE WISE WE SHOULD ADOPT IT as it is said"A NODE TO WISE"

Slightly movable joints?

allow only slight movement.The joints present between the vertebrae of the backbone and the joints between the ribs and the breastbone are the examples of slightly movable joints.

The joints between the vertebrae of the backbones are best described as?

They are slightly moveable as they are sponge-like