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central nervous system.

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Q: Flatworms are characterized by having....... A. a central nervous system B. radial symmetry C. tentacles for filter feeding D. a complete digestive system?
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Perch have complete digestive systems

Do mollusks have a complete digestive system?

complete complex with salivary gland,digestive gland and rasping tongue (radula) may god help u*

Do clams have a complete or incomplete digestive tract?

They have complete digestive system.

How is a roundworm advanced over a planarian?

A roundworm has a complete digestive tract. It is a deuterostome. The planarian ingests food with one opening and excretes with the same hole... I'd say I'd rather be a roundworm due to that little detail... Wouldn't you?

What is true for both incomplete and complete digestive systems?

An incomplete digestive system (found in certain lower invertebrates like Cnidarinas, i.e. hydra, marine jellyfish, and Platyhelminthes, i.e. flatworms) is where a single opening to a pouch-like cavity serves as both mouth and anus. A complete digestive system (all insects have them) means that food processing occurs within a tube-like enclosure, the alimentary canal, running lengthwise through the body from mouth to anus.

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Is the planaria digestive tract complete or incomplete?

Mammals have a complete digestive tract, it starts from mouth to anus. Although each species have some different type and length of tract, they have esophagus, ventriculus, intestinum which function to support a complete food metabolism. Besides, some digestive glands also support this function.

How long does the entire digestive process take?

The digestive process takes 6 hours to complete.

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Do clams have complete or incomplete digestive tracts?


Where the digestive system complete?

The digestive system ends when the small intenstine leads to the anus, aka your but hole.