

Best Answer

Wouldn't work.

It's all down to power-to-weight ratio.

There isn't that much difference between mucle fibers. They're pretty much all equally good.

Meaning if you want to get stronger, you need bigger muscles.

Trouble is that as they get bigger, they also get heavier. And they get heavier faster than they get stronger.

Basically a muscle that's twis as strong will be three times as heavy.

Which is why ants can lift their own body weight far more times over than the stronget weight-lifting champion.

That's why flying birds only get to a certain size, and why animals begin to trade speed for strength as they grow bigger.

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Q: How can mix cheetah elephants and eagles DNA so one could have the power to run super fast fly and be strong as an elephant?
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beacuse they have strong bones

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Cheetahs are not very strong. They are built for speed, not strength.

What is the elephants strong sense?

Smell .

How can I train my strong horse?

Buy a cheetah.