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Age, loud noises, repetitive noises, infection.

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If you have blaring noise next to them.

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Loud music

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Q: How can the hair cells in the inner ear be damaged?
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Which type of hearing loss develops when the auditory nerve or hair cells in the inner ear are damaged?

sensorineural hearing loss

Which term best describes cells that are stimulated when sound waves vibrate hair cells in the inner ear?


Do the cells of the receptor organ in the inner ear regenerate?

No, once damaged the cells will scar but not regenerate.

What part of the ear is damaged most easily by continued exposure to loud noise?

the ear drum Answer: Harmful sounds cause damage to the hair cells as well as the auditory nerve

Which term best describes cells that are stimulated when sound waves vibrate hair cells in the ………..?

Inner ear

In the ear the basilar membrane and hair cells are found in the?

In a part of the inner ear called the cochlea (snail-like).

The receptors for hearing and equilibrium are located in the?

The cilia or hair cells that are found in between the tectorial and basilar membranes, which make up the organ of corti a part of the inner ear.

What structure of the inner ear would be activated by a somersault?

The hair cells in the anterior semicircular canal

How does blasting the stereo make you deaf?

It injures the hair cells in your inner ear that do the sensing of sound.

What is the restoring mechanism of the innar ear?

The restoring mechanism of the inner ear is primarily carried out by hair cells. These specialized cells in the cochlea convert sound vibrations into electrical signals that are then transmitted to the brain. If hair cells are damaged or destroyed, they are not able to regenerate, leading to permanent hearing loss.

What are the sensory receptors for the the ear?

The inner ear is made up of multiple parts to amplify sound and to determine sound frequencies. The Cochlea is a spiral shaped portion of the inner ear which contains tiny "hair cells" which are the actual sensory receptors. Repeated loud noises can actually damage or destroy these hair cells causing permanent hearing loss.The ear also is used for balance, using a portion of the ear called the vestibule or vestibular system. This also has hair cells for sensory receptors that are triggered by motion.

What are the names of the hearing receptors within the inner ear?

Hearing and balance receptors are found in the ear.