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First, draw a box, then divide it in four.

Let's say we're testing for the genotypes of the offspring of parents with TT and Tt genotypes. Above the first box, write one allele of a parent, or in this case, T. Above the box to the right of it, write another T for the parents' other allele. Do the same down the left side of the four boxes with the other parent's genes.

Now, this is a bit like finding coordinates. In the first box, write the allele of the gene above it, and to its left. That is one possible genotype of the offspring. Repeat this for all squares.

In our case with the parents being TT and Tt, the four offspring in the Punnett squares will have only two possible genotypes; TT or Tt, like their parents.

This will show you how many chances the offspring have of being heterozygous, homozygous dominant, or recessive.

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Q: How do you make a pun nett square to show how many offspring will be heterozygous?
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