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There are good bacteria and bad bacteria in ecosystems. Good bacteria help to kill and eat bad bacteria to keep the ecosystem clean.

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10y ago
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1mo ago

Bacteria play a crucial role in breaking down organic matter and waste materials, converting them into simpler compounds that can be used by other living organisms or returned to the environment. This process helps recycle nutrients and maintain ecosystem balance. By decomposing waste, bacteria help prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the environment.

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13y ago

Bacteria consume all of the waste which helps them live.

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12y ago

break down waste and EAT IT!:)

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Q: How does bacteria keep the world free from waste?
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How does a poo get made?

When you eat, your body breaks down food in the stomach and absorbs nutrients in the small intestine. The waste products then move to the large intestine, where water is absorbed and bacteria break down the remaining material. Finally, the waste is formed into a stool, which is eliminated from the body through the rectum and anus as a bowel movement.

Why does blood carry waste and carbon dioxide?

Blood carries waste and carbon dioxide to be transported to organs like the lungs and kidneys for removal from the body. This helps to maintain a healthy balance of gases and waste products in the bloodstream.

What organ kills bacteria?

The immune system, specifically white blood cells, plays a crucial role in killing bacteria in the body. White blood cells identify and attack bacteria to help fight infections and keep the body healthy.

Do flies spread bacteria?

Yes, flies can spread bacteria because they often come into contact with decaying matter and contaminated surfaces. When flies land on food or surfaces, they can transfer harmful bacteria from their legs and bodies, potentially leading to the spread of diseases. It is important to keep food covered and maintain proper hygiene to prevent the spread of bacteria by flies.

How do lysosomes help maintain homeostasis within a cell?

Lysosomes help maintain homeostasis by breaking down and recycling cellular waste, damaged organelles, and foreign substances through a process called autophagy. This helps to keep the cell clean and free of any potentially harmful materials, thereby promoting overall cellular health and function.

Related questions

How do bacteria help keep the world free from waste?

it keeps the world from waste by breaking down waste and eating it andby eating dead organisms

How do bacteria keep the world free from waste?

The bacteria consumes or eats all of the wastes, that is how it lives.

How does bacteria keep the planet free of waste?

Call: 678-793-1392 for a good time.

What is the purpose of a koi filter?

A koi filter is a system used in ponds. It is a method of removing waste from the pond. Bacteria can be used as a method of removing the waste to keep the pond healthy for other life forms.

Was World War I a waste?

It depends on your goals, really. But if your goal is to keep people alive, then YES.

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Who wrote keep on rockin in the free world?

neil young

How does the gallbladder works with other systems to keep the body healthy?

there is no actual function of the gallbladder that has been proven but some people believe that it is used to get rid of bacteria in the small intestine before the waste comes out as waste products we know as pooh.

How can you keep swamps healthy?

You can keep swamps healthy by keeping them free of pollution. Any type of pollution such as littering and other waste can contribute to the deterioration of a swamp or any other landform.

Why is it important to keep waste to a minimum?

It is important to keep waste to a minimum so that the Earth can be saved and to be cost-efficient. Recycling is a good way to minimize waste.

Is infamous game free world?

Yes its free roam and its very fun! When you beat the final boss you can keep playing!

Does cow manure in the lagoons of cattle feed lots keep bacteria out of the water supply?

No, cow manure is chuck full of bacteria, a source of bacteria, not a preventative measure to keep bacteria out! So no, cow manure in the lagoons of feedlots do NOT keep bacteria out of the water supply. It's the exact opposite, inviting bacteria to enter the water supply, not prevent it.