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A promoter region is different from an operator region in the sense that the operator region is where DNA binds, whereas the promoter region is the binding site for the RNA polymerase. These two different regions are essentially opposites.

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Q: How is a promoter region different from an operator region?
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An operon is a group of genes that operate together.Operon- a functioning unit of genomic DNA containing a cluster of genes under the control of a single regulatory signal or promoter.Operons are clusters of genes consisting of one operator and promoter. There are a lac operon, which is responsible for metabolism of glucose. And there is also the Trp operon, which is responsible for synthesising tryptophan.

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The promoter is a nontranscribed region of a gene.

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The transcription initiation complex around the TATA box.

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The promoter is a nontranscribed region of a gene.

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Transcription starts at a region of DNA called a?

According to biologists, transcription starts at a region of DNA called a promoter. Promoters bind with RNA molecules to initiate transcription.

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