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The amount of RNA in a cell varies. For example, prokaryotic RNA may be only a few hundred to a thousand or so and eukaryotic cells are usually a few thousand (3-5) bps long after introns have been removed.

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From hundreds to tens of thousands or more, depending on the species and the protein that it codes for.

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Q: How many bases would a real mRna molecule have?
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How many bases are needed to specify an mRNA codon?

3 bases are needed to specify an mRNA codon.

How many nucleotides would it take to construct the mRNA coding strand of the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?

441 nucleotides

Each tRNA molecule contains three bases called?

Each tRNA molecule contains three bases called an anticodon. The tRNA anticodons are complementary to specific mRNA codons. This is how the amino acids are placed in the proper order on the ribosome.

A protein contains 131 amino acids How many bases will there be on the mRNA strand corresponding to these amino acids and how do you know?

131*3=393 bases might be there on mRNA strand 3 codons of mRNA strand deduce an aminoacid of a protein, so here, mRNA strand bases are being asked.

If an mRNA is made up of 60 bases how many codons does it contain and how many amino acid does it code for?

A codon is exactly three bases long, so an mRNA strand with 60 bases would contain 20 codons. The first codon will encode for methionine (this is called the "start" codon) and the last codon will be a "stop" codon, which does not encode for an amino acid. Thus, an mRNA strand of 60 bases will code for 19 amino acids. Keep in mind, it is possible for a stop codon to be anywhere on the mRNA strand, and when a stop codon reaches the ribosome, translation must stop. For example, if an mRNA strand contained 30 codons, and the 15th were a stop codon, the mRNA would only code for 14 amino acids and then be done. The other 15 codons would go untranslated.

What type of RNA is formed during transcription?

In Translation, rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA are used. The mRNA strand of codons (3 nucleotide bases) enters the ribosome where the rRNA will "read it" (it is made up of rRNA). tRNAs are floating in the cell carrying the anticodon's specified amino acid. When the rRNA "sees" which codon is on the mRNA strand, the tRNA's anticodon (complementary nucleotide bases) binds to the A site in the ribosome to start creating the polypeptide chain.

How many strands does mRNA have?

a MRNA strand is a strand made up of messenger ribosenucleicacids

How many bases on a strand of mRNA code for one amino acid?

3 nucleotides

How many strands of mRNA are made during the process of transcription?

A single mRNA strand is typically produced but a single strand can make many many copies of the protein encoded on the molecule.

Why is end of a processed mrna referred to a poly a tail?

The end of an mRNA molecule is referred to as a poly A tail because it is a segment composed of many Adenine nucleotides in a row (i.e. AAAAAAAA).

How many strands of nitrogenous bases does an RNA molecule have?


How many strands of DNA are used for transcription?

No, just one strand, the coding strand is used to create a mRNA molecule in the process of transcription.